HDAI: A Reflection on Our Journey, New Look & Careers

It’s been a while since the last post. First and foremost, I hope you’re doing well and staying positive despite the ongoing collective challenges we face. Secondly, I’d like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you for being a part of our community. It’s clear that we’re all experiencing some profound transformations, and I’m grateful that HumanDesign.ai plays a role in your journey. Just when we think we’ve got it all figured out, life reminds us that there’s always more to learn.

As we near 6000 members, with momentum growing steadily, we find ourselves in a very strong position to succeed in our mission.

If I can just remove myself from the equation..

I’ve been contemplating this newsletter for a while, having had some deep realizations. It’s dawned on me that I’ve become a slave to my own creation. Developing HumanDesign.ai has somewhat forced me into my not-self. As a Projector, my role isn’t to grind or make things happen. I’m here to guide with Zen-like energy by sharing heartfelt stories that inspire and motivate people to change their lives. Ironically, instead of living in alignment with my design, it feels like my existence has become one big game of Whack-a-Mole.

Balancing development, bug fixes, customer service, marketing efforts, and navigating a capital raise, all while taking care of myself and my incredibly clingy (yet undeniably adorable) dog during a period of significant collective upheaval – it’s somewhat miraculous I haven’t had a nervous breakdown.

It’s time to take a moment to breath.

Fortunately, many of the issues with the website have been resolved. The month of October was dedicated to fixing bugs and introducing a fresh new look, we’ve also introduced GPT4 32k for more accurate answers, alongside comprehensive information that solidifies our mission, story, ethics, culture, affiliate offerings, legal obligations and career options*. These efforts are laying the groundwork to attract a team of remarkable individuals who can carry the project forward.

Although it will always be my heart and soul in the vision, it’s becoming increasingly clear that it’s time for me to step back and find someone to oversee the day-to-day operations of the business. I want to lead from the best possible place, and my energy is closely intertwined with the success of this platform.

So, if you’re out there, love Human Design, seek a challenge, share our vision, and have what it takes to elevate this platform to the next level, please apply here; the world needs you.

In the meantime..

I deeply appreciate your patience and support as we embark on this new phase. As many of you know, I’ve been self-funding the project, and it comes at a significant cost to run the website.

So, if you love what we’re doing and are inspired to support us during this evolution, I’d like to offer you the opportunity to purchase our beloved lifetime special with a $100 discount for the next 72 hours. It’s now available for $147 instead of $247 (automatically applied).

This not only keeps the project afloat as we finalize our capital raise, but it also grants you unlimited lifetime access to Bella, with no daily limits. You can read others’ charts and access the amazing features we have in the pipeline. It’s undoubtedly one of the best investments you can make in yourself and your loved ones.

Together, we can efficiently bring to life the vision of a personal HD analyst in your pocket, guiding you to people, teachers, resources, products, services, and more tailored to your unique energetic design.

With so much love, gratitude and appreciation,

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