A Personal Message

Hope you’re well.

For some reason or another, I felt called today to send this community an email. Not about the platform per say, more so to introduce myself and connect with you on a personal level. As we move into fall at the peak of the equinox, with so much uncertainty around the economy, worries about where the world is going and why. It feels like the right moment to share some insights intertwined with my personal story, how HumanDesign.ai came about and what it means to be a part of it. Something tells me there’s something in this email that will benefit us all. A message of hope.

I was born in Scotland, 1988. My mother who is certainly an angel herself, was only 19 when she had me. She was completely broke, my biological father was nowhere to be seen. In desperation she married my step father, who is a good man, but has his own demons. Without boring you with details, it wasn’t the easiest of childhoods. I grew up with in a toxic environment, like a ghost, unrecognised and unappreciated. Being a Projector with two Generator parents who couldn’t understand who I was, always encouraging me to “get a real job.”

We would argue alot because they wanted me just like them, the negativity was overwhelming. As much as it shames me to admit, I was a deeply unhappy teenager, with few friends, overweight and going bald at 18. Standing in a club, unable to find enough confidence to join them on the dance-floor – it was that low point that pushed me to finally reach out for help.

There was one lady my intuition told me might be able to help. Her name was Marilyn, she was an alternative health practitioner, her modalities included NLP, hypnotism and counseling. With little hope anything would change, I carried myself to her modest house. Her husband was an oil executive, she was worth millions of pounds but offered to help me for free. I can’t really explain what happened that day, but she completely flipped my world upside down. I went from having the weight of the world on my shoulders, finding it under my feet. Shifting my mindset from negative to positive, everything began to change.

Despite having a diploma in Multimedia Design & Production, I found myself working as a cashier for the Royal Bank of Scotland during the great financial crisis of 2008. “There’s got to be more to life than this,” I thought staring blankly out of the bank windows. Many of the customers were business owners, recognising my discontent they’d ask me what my skillset was. Graphic and web design was something I could do, and what better way to escape the mundane than setting a website selling print with design services, growing it to $10,000 a month in revenue after 6 months whilst working at the bank. The freedom that came with that lead me to the South of France where my spiritual awakening began.

Despite high revenue the margins were too small, I was living way beyond my means. Finding myself in $70,000 of credit card debt by the age of 21, it was hell, there was no future. Determined to get myself out of that rut, I turned to my guardian angel for advice. Meeting Marilyn for lunch, I thanked her from the bottom of my heart for all that she’d done but explained that I was completely stuck.

She said, “Kyle, I’d love to write you a cheque and clear away all your debt but the problem is, it’s your thinking that got you here. If you don’t change your mindset, it will happen all over again.”

She continued, “Instead of the focusing on what we can take from the world, ask yourself what is it that you can give?”

These words changed my life, in a way, I’m sure they’ll change yours too my friend. Needless to say that was the seed that lead to this email. Sadly Marilyn passed away not so long after our meeting, my spiritual mentor was gone from the physical plane (ever present, in the ether.)

Her last words haunted me, l had to find away of giving what she gave to me to as many as possible. That drive manifested itself into two beautiful but not so abundant books, The Winners’ Guide and The Universe In Us, doing the work to heal and forgive myself. Which lead me down the path of creating a YouTube channel which was demonetised at the beginning of the pandemic for uploading a sound healing video for the coronavirus. My entire life since 2012 has been about being of service to others, but up until I discovered Human Design in 2021 nothing really worked out – it was always a struggle (by design, apparently). I was stuck in scarcity, confused as why no matter how hard I worked, nothing seemed to pay off.

Desperate to figure it out, I dived deep into what it meant to be Projector and then studied the entire system for months. My God, it resonated. Finally everything began to make sense, I stopped pushing myself and started flowing. Surrendering. Waiting for that invitation. Like you, I fell in love with the knowledge and wanted to find away to give to others. I searched for “Human Design” domain names, fully expecting all of them to be registered. The only one available, was HumanDesign.ai..

It’s almost like it was divinely orchestrated. The universe saw how determined I was to make a difference. This was 2 years before ChatGPT was even a thing, but something told me to register it despite being broke in the midst of global lockdowns. I actually had to sell my car to pay the $200 registration fee, can you believe? Conscious not to push myself too hard, I started offering readings on Fiverr to pay my bills whilst putting together a very basic chatbot (see it in action).

It was super primitive but made doing readings as newbie possible. Combining HD knowledge with my online business expertise, proved to be a success. I made enough to support myself whilst the universe conspired to fill in the blanks…

The reason I share this story with you is because I feel one thing that unites us as a community is the idea that Human Design could really change the world in the way that it changed mine. The more we learn to accept and love ourselves, the clearer it becomes that most of our problems come from a lack of acceptance and inner peace aka the not-self. After all, we wouldn’t need greed, lust and over consumption, if we were all content with just being. Aligned with our purpose and living our signature theme. The not-self is not only destructive for the individual but as we’re all connected and intertwined, it becomes destructive for everyone.

I’m almost certain the sub-human leaders of our world as so utterly not-self the only way they can survive and thrive is at the expense of everyone else. Human Design has the potential to guide us onto a path of enlightenment and service. Like the bees pollinate the flowers, we’re all here to serve and support one another in the ever persistent evolution of humanity.

Where am I going with this? Well, I felt it’s important to make it clear that I’m different from your average disconnected tech leader. I have a huge heart and everything comes from a place of pure unconditional love. Whilst most appreciate HDAI, there are certainly some entities that despise what we’re doing. I’ve had crazy emails, people stalking and quoting my social media, energetic and psychic attacks. Whenever myself or our community members try to promote the platform in certain social media groups, we’re often silenced and deleted by certain IHDS certified admins.

Which to a certain extent, is understandable. There’s an element of HDAI that threatens the income of the old school analysts. Don’t get me wrong, I’m the first to question the role of AI in our world. Like all tools, it really depends on whether the pros outweigh the cons. From my perspective we’re one of the better uses cases. Whilst everyone else aims to replace humanity, we’re doing our best to bring it back. There’s nothing more powerful than being our true loving and abundant selves in a fake, self-serving and demonic world.

I’m sure you’ll agree, the collective shift needs to be our priority. Shouldn’t we all be working together to raise the frequency of the planet rather than operating from scarcity and fear? I personally want everyone to have access to the knowledge as quickly and easily as possible. Rich or poor, in any language. I’ll take the attacks with a pinch of salt in order to do so.

Just wanted to let you know that if I can do it, you can too. You are on the right path and you are appreciated. Without the support of community members like you, especially those who have contributed financially; this platform wouldn’t be what it is today. I really hope my work helps you figure what you’re here to give in this pivot-able moment in human history. Don’t give up the fight, we’re winning the war. Keep going within and everything will work out the way its supposed to.

With the deepest love, gratitude and appreciation,


4/1 Splenic Projector & Founder, HumanDesign.ai

P.s I’ve just launched AngelNumbers.ai – a completely free and open tool to interpret angel numbers like 1111 and 777.. in the spirit of giving, Marilyn’s soul lives on through me.

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