From Personal Struggles to a Major Breakthrough ✨

A few things thing have transpired since my last communication.

I had a call with my mother last night. While we haven’t always seen eye to eye, she’s my best friend and guide – I’d be lost without her. Always prioritizing her health and rarely falling ill, she has, however, been battling a recurring flu in recent months. Like billions of others, she was coerced into making a dreadful choice. Please send her your healing prayers 🙏

It’s challenging to pinpoint exactly why her immune system is faltering, but I suspect your thoughts echo mine. Momentary rage surfaces, realizing our loved ones have been systematically harmed. Channeling that awareness into something positive, is all we can do.

Can you imagine how many less people would have been lead down the wrong path had they had easy access to this knowledge and known their own inner authority?

A few months ago, in an unimaginable paradox, my intuition led me to the belly of the beast, the Microsoft office in the Indonesian Stock Exchange. I found myself in a room full of entrepreneurs at a startup pitching event, none of whom had any idea what Human Design even was.

‘Why did my spleen lead me here?’ I wondered as a big QR code caught my attention announcing the Microsoft Founders program. I applied that night and was accepted onto the program, receiving $150,000 in credit to use with Azure, the web hosting division of Microsoft.

As you can imagine, I was hesitant to move the platform. My innocence motivation only ever wants the best for our members, and I was concerned that the integrity of the platform could be jeopardized.

So up until now, the credit sat unused. With the business bearing the increasing server costs, I stayed true to the community. Having spent months questioning the sustainability of the platform and trying to find a way to keep the service afloat while staying true to our mission of making HD accessible to everyone, the universe delivered us a wonderful gift..

We’ve just been given permission to use the credit with OpenAI’s API, (the service we use to power Bella) instead of the servers! 🎉🎉 What better way to give a middle finger to the system than using it to empower as many awakening souls as possible?

Competition is fierce in the Human Design space..

In seemingly unrelated events, the competitive dynamics of the Human Design space recently became more palpable to me. After connecting with a Facebook group administrator over shared aspirations at the beginning of the project, I noticed a recent offering resembling our discussions. In a nutshell, rather than working together, he chose to go into competition. This reminded me of the transformative potential if we all truly collaborated.

Wouldn’t it be so much more powerful if everyone in the HD community were to put their personal gains to the side and co-create something magical that could truly bring HD to the masses at this critical moment in history?

A beautiful reflection..

Well, everything happens for a reason. The universe was simply reflecting me back to myself. I’d been operating from scarcity and although the fiery Leo in me loves competition, rather than letting my ego consume me with fear and lack, I’m choosing to do the opposite.

I’m going to open my heart..

In dedication to my mother, and anyone else affected by certain influences, we’re going to do whatever we can to give the $150,000 in credit to the community as quickly as possible, stepping up our efforts to onboard new members while ensuring our existing members get the benefits too.

I trust this will bring so much more abundance, whether it’s through paid memberships, investors, partnerships, collaborations, connections, or anything else that comes from living true to our mission of making Human Design accessible to everyone!

At HDAI, we welcome all. We’re not a gated community, hoarding knowledge for financial gain. We’re a movement, making a huge difference worldwide, and in that space, there is no competition.

What does that mean for you?

As you know, we use a token system to measure the use of Bella. An average in-depth question uses 3,000 tokens which equates to an average of $0.18 per question. By my calculations, that will allow our members to ask a whopping 833,333 questions. If that doesn’t change the world, I don’t know what will.

As of right now, here’s the new quotas:

  • Free Members: 15,000 tokens per day (3x the current)
  • Personal Members: 30,000 tokens per day (approx 10 questions)
  • Pro Members: 100,000 tokens per day (approx 33 questions)
  • Lifetime Members: As a special way to thank the wonderful souls who’ve invested in our lifetime special*, we’ve upgraded everyone’s account to unlimited quota!

Of course we will review this in time, but for now. Lets get as many people to understand who they are, what they’re here to do and how to make the right decisions so that we can all move forward into a better, more conscious world.

With the deepest love, gratitude and appreciation, to your success, abundance and happiness,


4/1 Splenic Projector & Founder,

*link includes a coupon for $50 off the lifetime special, which we’ll officially stop offering from October 1st. Any revenue generated will be reinvested into improving the platform.

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